Do you have credit cards, but not the self control to use them responsibly? Are you unable to not run up your limit every month? Are you so addicted to shopping that you just can’t stop yourself? This is the perfect tip for you.
You may have heard of literally freezing your credit card – in a block of ice. That’s dumb and a waste of freezer space that could be used to store more precious Pizza Rolls. Not to mention that you could still read your credit card number through the ice and continue your detrimental shopping spree on Amazon.
No, what you want to do is store your credit card in a giant cow turd. That’ll really prevent you from getting to it when you want it most. Just imagine having to dig through that disgusting dung and all thoughts of shopping should hopefully disappear instantly.
If that’s not a strong enough deterrent for you, you can instead try storing your credit card in a box sealed with a satanic blood ritual that can only be reopened with the live sacrifice of a human baby. Happy savings!