Summer Time Savings

Summer is upon us, and as we all know, that’s when your power bills go up. Here are some simple ways to cut down on your energy usage and save some green while being green!

  1. Open the windows and shut off your AC. Give it a shot. It’s like camping or being homeless, but slightly better as you don’t have to shit wherever you are standing.
  2. Steal Swap energy-efficient light bulbs from where you work and replace them with your own less efficient light bulbs from home. However, you don’t have to steal from your workplace if you feel this might jeopardize your job. Swap these bulbs from the homes of your friends and family. The upside is that light bulbs are one of those rare things people don’t pay close attention to until they break, and who would ever guess that their friends would take them? It’s not even stealing. It’s swapping.
  3. Shut lights off when you aren’t using them. Also check to make sure your lights go off when they should. Buy a video camera and place it inside your fridge to make sure that the light bulb actually turns off when the door closes.
  4. Go blind. You won’t need to buy or swap light bulbs at all.
  5. Children cost a lot of money and use a lot of power and resources. If you’ve ever thought about changing where you stand on the issue of abortion, summer is the time to do it. I suggest aborting all of your children, no matter how old they are (or at least kicking them out of your house). It’s the ultimate lifehack!