Free windshield cleaning service in most metropolitan cities

Greetings, fellow haxors of life, I’ve got a great car cleaning tip for you.

Now, I typically don’t take exceptional care of my car, as it’s nothing fancy. I usually go for months without washing it, but one thing I make sure to attend to is the dirt and grime on my windshield.

I try to use my wiper fluid as liberally as possible to keep my windshield clean, as visibility is important and also a matter of public safety. However, as we all know, that awesome fluid eventually runs out, and you’re forced to put forth the effort to clean your own car, or stop at a local full service gas station and tip the mentally disabled man to clean your windows for you.

I have found that another option exists in most major cities. There are typically these mangy beings that occupy the sidewalks or corners of popular crossroads and offer their services of washing your windows whilst your vehicle remains stationary at the traffic light that governs said crossroad. They will happily work their best to clean your windows to their former pristine condition before the time at the light expires.

Once they are done with the cleaning, you need not worry about monetary compensation, as it is not required. These jovial workers are content with a mere smile from you and an honorable nod of the head showing your approval of their good work. Best of all, it is not even necessary to try to converse with them, as societal norms dictate you must with the mentally disabled at the full service stations.

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